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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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gia, gigi
november 12th
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in a stranger's lap.
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 5:10:55 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]okay, down this alley and around the block should lose them... right?

wrong, definitely wrong.

god, she's been running in circles for at least half an hour now. don't these cops know when to give up? apparently not. something they have in common, maybe. either way, it's exhausting and her feet are starting to ache. heels and running don't mix but she'll never understand the memo because apparently when it comes to that concept she can't read? imagine that.

fucking hell. the sirens are almost a little closer, the sound of annoyed shouting definitely closing in. and while she would love to say that she doesn't panic beneath this kind of pressure, she's still not at top notch and the suit is making this harder on her body. leather, zippers, and healing wounds absolutely do not mix.

she's distracted when she rounds the next corner, too caught up in the escape to realize she's knocking into a body before it's too late. her ass collides with concrete and she's scrambling, shooting back up before her mind can fully process. "hey, watch it," she snaps. definitely not panicking, right?

recognition clicks into a place a moment later and she's stunned into place, looking a little too much out of her element. "oh," comes next, soft and almost gasped? "it's you." finn, the journalist, the man she left behind in a hotel room without a word.

damn, that's fucking awkward.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 5:22:46 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]it had been a long day at work. people have come to expect a lot from him, and with high expectations come bigger disappointments for when he doesn't live up to them. he can't help how they feel, but perhaps it's by his own doing.

all he wants to do is go home, relax, and decompress after a particularly stressful day. but the world has other plans for him, apparently.

someone crashes into his back and it's by pure luck that he doesn't fall over as well. he turns to see them shooting back up off the ground, so quick that he barely sees it happening, and recognition hits him instantly.

"oh hey."

giada, the stranger, the woman that left him behind in a hotel room without a word. he offers her a friendly smile and nothing more, before crossing the road as the signal had just turned green.

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gia, gigi
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 5:30:45 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]definitely more than fucking awkward now. confusion etches itself into the features unmasked and really, she's a little caught off guard. somehow, she had expected more than a friendly smile. something like yelling or a dirty look or anything, really, besides this.

and yet, it doesn't exactly feel like much of a surprise. expected but not? we'll settle on that.

"what're you doing here?" she murmurs, halfway between a jog and a trot to catch up to him as he begins crossing the street. the sirens fade a little with each step and she feels a little weight ease off her chest. more people, more camouflage. less of a chance of getting caught. although, this somehow feels similar to being caught anyway so is she really winning? no, definitely not.

when she settles into step a pace behind him, a thought rises. does she apologize? give an excuse? or ignore what happened? all of the above, none, unknown. she can't decide and maybe she won't have to. maybe he'll decide for the both of them and she'll go with the flow as she always has.

"i didn't expect to see you." okay, that's definitely not what she meant to say but it came out in an attempt to fill some space she wanted to get rid of. instead, she probably rubs salt into wounds and makes this harder. yikes.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 5:37:16 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]he hears her first murmur but pretends like he doesn't, if only to save himself the trouble. he walks with the flow of the crowd, most of them most likely headed home much like he is. he doesn't expect her to follow, but the clicking of her heels has him glancing over.

"in mauville or at all?" it leaves bitter than intended and he hates it. clicking his tongue, he takes a deep breath after, deciding to be civil. "i work and live here." but it's not like she'd remember.

they reach the other side of the road and by now the sirens have faded away, but he wasn't paying attention to them in the first place. he turns left and continues walking towards his apartment.

"that's a nice outfit. out for a run?" because clearly she had been, despite how impractical it looks.

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 5:47:25 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]that's much more of what she expected, really. bitter and not surprising. actually, it earns a little laugh from her. she can taste the awkwardness in the air, the things left unsaid and implications hanging in the balance. it makes her fidget a little, hands uncertain of what to do so they twiddle around gloved fingers as if that's the only occupation they need.

"in mauville," she supplies, even if she didn't exactly expect to run into him again either. but that's just what she does, if she has to put a reason behind it. get involved for a night and then leave, escape off into the night like some animal and never return. it's safe, it's secure, it's emotionless. and yet, it's also like a bad habit. like smoking cigarette after cigarette despite saying every night that you'll quit the next day. funny how you never seem to quit, only return to the same vice.

"i see," she pauses for a moment, recognizing the streets they're moving down. it's close to her own home. huh, a small world indeed. "maybe you live near me, then?" she doesn't know what else to say and as usual, the first thing is fired out.

where he turns, she follows. the sirens are forgotten in the parts of a city left behind them and now, she can fully focus on him. her mask is slipped off her face and onto the top of her head. her eyes drift for a moment down to her catsuit, to the attire of her brand of thief. huh, right. it's not normal clothing, not in the slightest. whoops... probably not the best time to pull a heist either. it's fine.

"yeah, a run, we'll go with that," she lets out a soft snicker, as if it's amusing in itself. a run normally doesn't involve evading police forces but it's fitting enough and she doesn't feel like explaining herself or the suit. instead, she'll tilt her head toward him, an eyebrow raising. "what, did you just finish work or whatever?"

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 6:20:03 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]"maybe, yeah."

he hates this. whatever pain and regret he feels now stems only from expectations that he shouldn't have in the first place. they met because of his work, and that's where it should have ended. he reminds himself of this again.

"yeah. sorry. i just had a pretty shit day at work." she caught him at the worst possible time and under the worst possible circumstances. the thought of it actually makes him chuckle, throwing him a lifeline. he sighs, finally able to shed whatever bitterness he once carried. "it's nice to see you again. i was hoping to."

his eyes drift over to her attire, eyeing it curiously. "i don't think i've ever seen anyone run in a catsuit before. how can you even breathe in that thing?" it's impressive, to say the least.

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gia, gigi
november 12th
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 16:06:39 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]she hums but doesn't offer anything further in regards to their possibly close living situation. better left untouched, perhaps. well, as untouched as she'll allow for now. they're heading in his home's direction, anyway, so she'll find out soon apparently.

she's glancing toward him at the mention of work. right, people have normal jobs and normal jobs come with shitty days. it shouldn't be surprising but somehow, to her, it is. what made it shitty? is it right for her to ask? curiosity kills cats and all that shit but eh, it couldn't hurt? "what made the day shitty?" she murmurs, as if she's allowed to pick his brain and his day apart in the middle of the sidewalk. before she can ask anything else, though, he starts talking again and the bitterness around him seems to ease a little. the comment catches her off guard when it shouldn't. maybe it's because she doesn't expect people to want to see her again. not after how she always leaves them, anyway.

there's a pause, a hesitation, before she gives him an answer.

"it's nice to see you too," she settles on because it feels right and fitting but is it a lie? no.

his eyes drift to her outfit, distracting her from anything else. and the laughter that escapes is genuine, amused, and a little confused. why's he so concerned about her outfit? don't people wear leather suits like this? no, they don't and she's just odd in her little thief getup but it's fine, everything's fine. "oh, you know, i don't breathe much," a joke, or an attempt at one. it doesn't go over as well as she hopes but the delivery is confident enough for her to push through it. "it's kinda like a second skin i guess? i don't know. it does its job?" and by its job, she definitely means it hides defining markers from cops and is cute as fuck. thank you, fashion.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 16:19:03 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]it surprises him a little to hear her asking about his day. is she genuinely curious or is she just trying to fill the void of silence? he's not entirely sure, but he likes to believe it to be the former, because what she says next supports it.

"they weren't happy with an article i wrote. says it lacked effort, or something." thinking about it would have been enough to sour his mood, if not for her presence. huh, how odd. why doesn't he feel as bad anymore?

her genuine laughter garners a softer one from him, but one that's as equally real and pure. "and what job would that be? besides looking good, of course." he slides his hands into his pockets as they turn another corner, nearing his apartment.

"i'm up ahead."

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gia, gigi
november 12th
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 16:30:16 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]"how could it lack effort?" she doesn't understand the concept. not in the way he means, anyway. doesn't all writing require effort? or is she just not familiar with what writing articles actually entails? either way, her head is tilting as if she's confused, which she really is a little.

her lips spread into a grin when he laughs, when he feeds her a little compliment behind a question. damn right it's a job to always look good. and while she would like to say that she is the best at that job, she probably isn't. it's easier to look like a hot mess than just hot, right?

"i dunno if you want to know what i do for a living," she's not trying to be coy, per say, but there's a little mystery that she wants to keep around her occupation. it's not exactly cute to tell every nice guy that looks at her that she breaks into people's homes and steals their possessions. yeah, definitely not. and while she hopes he doesn't pry further, she has enough knowledge of him to know he will.

his apartment is closer now, the thought solidified by his murmur. an eyebrow raises because it really is kind of close to her own home. at least, she thinks so? mauville hills is nearby, right? you'd think she'd know the city she lives in by now except all she really knows are the alleys used to get away. always knowing the escape route... fitting, huh. "it's cute over here."

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 16:39:20 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]"beats me." that's a lie. he knows for a fact that their criticism was valid because he really did a shit job at that one article. but who could blame him? he had been distracted, and even a little bit hurt.

"why wouldn't i?" he responds, curious. he's met people before who were secretive about their jobs, so if she chooses not to answer, he'd think nothing of it. "i want to know more things about you in general, giada."

his apartment building comes up, and it's a nice little building made of red brick that gives it a rustic feel, which contrasts most buildings around them. there are small steps that lead up to the entrance; he stops by it.

"how far away are you?"

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gia, gigi
november 12th
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 16:49:00 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]an eyebrow raises but she doesn't pry further. there's probably more to the criticism they gave than he's allowing her to see but that's the name of the game isn't it? playing cards close to the chest, using a poker face to keep from folding. she won't force him to fold. not yet, anyway.

"i don't know," she murmurs. this isn't exactly in her realm of expertise. she's good at giving people what they want, saying what they want to hear, and being whatever they need. it's odd to have questions asked about her, about her life, her work, her existence. perhaps that's why she fidgets a little bit, as if it's uncomfortable to fully give an answer. does she lie? or give tidbits of truth to keep him satisfied? her mouth parts when the next sentence comes and there's a pause before she's plastering a grin onto her lips. "is that the journalist part talking?" there has to be an angle to it, right? another story hidden somewhere in her. he couldn't actually want to know more about her, right?

"however close mauville hills is to here," she murmurs, eyes distracted by the building. it really is cute, nice and quaint and warm. she lingers by the steps with him, as if uncertain as to if she wants to stay or go. her eyes flutter down the street and back to his and in a moment of honesty, she gives him information like word vomit because she doesn't know what to do right now. "i take things," blurts out and then, she's clearing her throat and glancing away. "that's what i do."

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 17:13:56 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]the journalist part? he chuckles, shaking his head. "it's the finn part." no other angle, just him being him, genuinely curious to know more about her.

for moments, he's unsure of how to proceed, teetering on the base of the steps. should he invite her in? does she even want to stay? thankfully, her words distract him from pressing matters he has no answers to.

"take a thief?" there's no judgement in his tone, just slight confusion, as he tries to understand. "you already got the catsuit and all. would make sense."

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gia, gigi
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when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 17:41:19 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]the finn part. she... doesn't know what to do with this information, really. it takes a moment to process and then another moment for her to actually understand. him, genuinely him, wanting to know more about her. no angle, no story. just him. it makes her a little uncomfortable if she stops to mull it over more carefully. she doesn't, though, in true giada fashion.

"right, the finn part," she murmurs because she doesn't know what else to say. it's a first, really. sure, men might want to know more about her and might even care a bit but it always comes with an angle, with what she can do for them. and besides, does an object even have information to give?

a heel taps almost impatiently at the ground. it's mostly nerves, mostly the need to move because fight or flight always kicks in at some point. usually whenever she feels pressure or just when she feels that annoying need to run. and she's always running, even if she's still in the moment. she'll always look for an out, for an escape. it's nothing new and definitely nothing he hasn't seen before. the night at the hotel proves that much.

"like a thief," she confirms. it doesn't sound that bad now that she's saying it out loud. but it's definitely not good either. somehow it settles into that gray area, maybe. halfway between good and bad, existing on the cusp of something. a light laugh follows, rehearsed almost. like that's what's expected of her so she supplies it. "that's the point. i'm a cat burglar so it works, sort of?" plus, she just really loves cats.

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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 17:48:20 GMT
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[attr="class","finn b"]
[attr="class","finn i"]a cat burglar! how interesting. he shrugs his shoulders at the revelation, not really all too bothered by it, which might give away his exposure to the less friendly part of life. "i'm guessing you were on the run when you bumped into me, then?" again, he's shrugging.

his eyes drift up the steps, towards the wooden door that leads into the hallway of the apartment. the issue almost looms over him, unwilling to shrink back into the shadows where they belong, and he hates it. fuck it.

"you wanna come in?"

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 18:01:24 GMT
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[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]if she was realistically capable of being embarrassed, she just might be in that moment. he notices perhaps too much, enough to understand the exact situation she had been in before literally running into him. although, she's also not skilled in the art of subtlety so that doesn't help.

"yeah," she murmurs around a laugh. it's only half funny. kind of, sort of? "those damn cops are persistent." as if to further her point, a siren echoes in the distance. it makes her heel tap a little faster, as if there's a possibility they're still hunting her. she hates being prey, especially for them.

her heel stills the moment his question comes. and there's a pause in her, a hesitation that she doesn't want to show. eventually, she dips her head in a nod and flashes a faint smile. "if you don't mind?" if he did, though, then he wouldn't be offering?

and because we don't expect anything less from her, she's already leading them up the stairs like she owns the place. except, she doesn't know which apartment is his and she has to linger by the door anyway to be let in. oops.

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